Deadlifts only reddit

Deadlifts only reddit. This will jump start your routine. I’m now doing 5 sets of 10 deadlifts at 100 pounds every single day. ADMIN MOD. I did a lot of Smith machine deadlifts when I was a newbie at Planet Fitness. I can only make it to the gym 1-2 days per week, I was thinking of taking this workout and splitting it up into two different days, and just adding a few exercises to each day. You'll also feel it in your forearms and traps, since you have to hold the bar. I'm starting with the bar over mid foot, bending my knees til they touch the bar, activating my lats, and trying my damndest to keep my back straight and tight, etc etc but I still feel it in my back. Chest supported rows 5-10 x 10. How would he look? How strong would he be? What are your thoughts on this program? Part of noob gains is getting the form down and learning to recruit your muscles correctly; volume is the best way to do this in my opinion. Personally, RDLs and Dimel Deadlifts are pretty much the only DL assistance work I do. No movement is essential. 3. but just do leg presses, lunges, belt squats, step ups, hex deadlifts, etc, etc. It's called "Starting Strength". The psychological tax is the exact reason he gave. Since the deadlift and SLDL lack and eccentric component (assuming you aren't dribbling them like a basketball) RDLs create a much needed eccentric/amortization phases to the lift. My long term goal is to total 1550 (elite for the 220 weight class). 110. Stronglifts is 'heavily inspired' by Starting Strength, and Mark Rippetoe favours the squat over the deadlift for overall strength and muscular development. I meant there are no disadvantages for him if he is not doing deadlifts. Obviously there's a few general rules but you'll see plenty of people that are the exception, because that's what works for them. After a body and joint warm up, my warm up DL sets are roughly like this 130, 180, 220, 250, 300 (all 5-7 reps). If you want to be a power lifter, then no. I haven't read the book in a while but the simplest answer is that deadlift is harder to recover from. 25. Sumos are gonna allow you to start from a position of more knee flexion and a more open angle at your hip joint. I look at RDLs as more of an injury prevention tool than anything. A couple of things: I can't overhead press or incline press due to a nagging shoulder impingement, I can flat bench just fine though. In terms of results, you may reach similar strength levels on the hip hinge pattern, but you'll continue to be shitty at picking up loads off of the floor. This is the only answer. Trap bar deadlift will be more have more knee flexion/extension than the conventional deadlift (which is more hip flexion/extension dominant). Deadlift and PR on deadlifts once a week, or each workout if youre complete Barbell rows 2-3 warm up sets 1 amrap set, same as deadlifts. 542K subscribers in the powerlifting community. One set of five is enough once you've already done the squats. Deadlifting novice requesting a deadlift-only program. If you keep at it, within 2 months or so, visit r/fitness and get proper workout plan. Is it something that many of you out there are doing? Google StrongLifts 5*5. There's different ways to deadlift. Deadlifts being emotionally and mentally taxing is precisely why Louie Simmons of Westside BB programmed max-effort deadlifts to only be once per month. Deadlifts hit a variety of different muscles, but squats DO take the muscles through a longer range of motion and stress the quads and glutes a good bit more. I just started 5/3/1 BBB and the volume on deadlifts is killing me. It's science. Deadlift progression also responds pretty well to very low volume, hence deadlifts are relegated to one working set to accommodate heavy squats three times a week. The deadlift is a great exercise to increase your strength in all your other lifts because of this. RDLs and good mornings are what I substitute for deadlifts :). Yes, RDLs will work in your situation. Otherwise enjoy the big traps! Other people might get very little trap results from deadlifting and have to supplement with shrugs or something similar. Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 and 2_Sun's 5/3/1 variation are good for this. The short answer to your question is that a variety of rep ranges and exercise variations is usually optimal for strength gains, but a good program takes care of all of that plus progressive overload plus rest/recovery, etc etc. That way you’re hitting every muscle group that deadlifts do! I'm stuck pretty low on the deadlift; only 335, but like I said hopefully Ed Coan's program will kick it up to 360 by December. Deadlifts have caused me a lot of back pain while I’ve been training, but I’m trying to rectify that by perfecting my form. SukeySukeys. Your nearly doing a straight leg dead lift. 1. Obviously I cut the work-out short when I was getting severe pain. It's okay for it to feel easy for a while. A 100m sprinter would probably get better bang for their buck squatting vs deadlifting. Do deadlifts on deadlift day. But either way, they will still probably want some other leg exercises to do working sets with while they work on their mobility and slowly work up to being able to squat. Because Rip knows what he's doing. I'm very clearly a "novice" with regard to deadlifting. If youre not advanced enough for weekly progression, then you should be doing full body 3x a week. Breaking it down to its components, it works your spinal erectors, hammies, glutes, traps and quads. whitenyummy. This is a good video that explains the difference between a Straight leg deadlift and a Romanian Deadlift. Remember that they also help each other move forward. if you focus on pushing the floor away from the bar then it's more of a leg focus. It uses your lower back but also a lot of hamstrings and glutes. Incorporating squats along with deadlifts is a good idea. Look at squat university and start working on single leg squat progression. 9. Deadlifts are probably one of the exercises that that rapidly change your physique. Deadlifts are more of a lower back/hamstring exercise and shouldn't put significant strain on your upper back. Depends on your standard of "sufficient". Absolutely. in my world, the squat rack is precious and always in use, so i would be pretty upset to see someone using it for deadlifts I second this, start w/ overhand. This is unlike the conventional powerlifting deadlift which uses more posterior chain (back, hamstrings, glutes) and higher hips. Let's say that a guy is stranded on an island and made his own barbell but doesn't have a bench or squat rack and the only other compound lifts he knows are the deadlift and overhead press, and he would only do the deadlift and overhead press. That's life stuff, not training stuff. Deadlifts are nice because they hit a lot of muscle groups: glutes, hammies, to an extent quads, erectors, traps, rhomboids and possibly even a bit of lats for stabilization, and a bit of core with heavy enough weights. If you just want toight buns, then yes. ago. A lot of people say they can't squat because they don't have the mobility, but then refuse to fix their mobility issues because of some weird ego problem. Workout 2 Squat Deadlift Rows for your delts. These are 'clean pulls' and 'snatch deadlifts'. Assuming perfect form, you would probably feel it the most in whatever your weakest link is. You might also want more upward pulling/trap work than most programs with deadlift otherwise recommend. I got up to 100 pounds and then kept it there and moved up in volume. The final prescribed set was the 1x5. In one year with 50lbs of bulking, you can raise your deadlift max from 315lbs to 605lbs. There’s a lot more that goes into it than just throwing a few exercises together. I’ve seen a lot of nba players do hex deadlifts, I’m guessing because it’s less strenuous on their backs and better simulates a jumping motion. Deadlift is just a really good movement (but I'm biased). So I'm stuck with this question: why Daveuall. you would probably benefit from a lifting belt. I did 100x245 in 28 minutes a while back. I do mine last, because since it's AMRAP, I'm pretty much exhausted and any lifts I'd do after would be horrible. Dumbell DL's are easier than barbell DLs for the same reason that trap-bar DL's are easier than barbell DLs. I get sore in the lower back too after deadlifts, pretty sure its normal. This shifts much of the emphasis towards your quads with less emphasis on your hamstrings and gluteal muscles. The only exercises you need are pull-ups, a press (bench, military, etc), and deadlifts. I can only manage 1 set of 5 with double overhand (w/o straps or gloves), and switch to mixed for the rest of my reps. This is because Deadlifts take more out of you. interpenduncularfosa. I have no idea how people do deadlifts on leg day, in fact. I've had best success either 1. 6kg I haven't really bothered doing anything other than the big lifts because I do a lot of running, rock-climbing and tennis as well. It's fine but if you're trying to get a bigger squat or deadlift, theres no replacement for good ol fashioned squats and deadlifts. Start focusing on the quality of your hip hinge and progress until you hit a pistol squat. then do some back and leg accessories. Example, I'm over 6 months in, and my prescribed set is 320lbs. you just put weights on the bar, lift it up, and set it down. You will develop a strong posterior chain, core, traps, forearms, and spinal erectors from doing only deadlifts. I can tell you right now my upper back needs work because right when I get 335 off the floor for the 3rd time my upper back rounds, plus I need to keep my knee's bent more during the lift. Once you know what you're doing, one set of working weight deadlift about twice a week isn't too bad. Both are Olympic-lifting exercises. 1x5 deadlifts once a week has to be far to low. Nope, you're good! I follow Candito's 6 week strength program and some of the lower days are just squats and deadlifts. The only real issue is that many programs, especially squat-heavy ones like SS/SL/ICF have you doing deads and squats on the same day. I do 135 for 8, 225 for 5, 315 for 3 or 4, 365 for 2, and then work my way back down. As to your back being first to wear out, that might be a good thing. I think it works pretty good. Brightlinger. But the day after doing deadlifts, my traps are really sore. My legs are huge and this works for me, so from my experience, acessory work is a must. Add in either wide-grip pull-downs, and/or t-bar rows. They might still have use for speed pulls, but a better choice would be deadlifts from a deficit or snatch grip deadlifts. Not only do I just feel way better in general and my back pain is totally gone, but my opinion did a complete 180 and deadlifts have become my favorite workout. As others said it was more like a rack pull than a deadlift but I did work my way up to 285lbs with decent form and built some decent back and leg muscle. In my experience (25 years of lifting), deadlifts should be done on back day. Thanks, I love you all! A deadlift hits the majority of your lower body, squats and deadlifts would be fine for a leg day. Not an issue for you to do the same for back day. I've tried, but by the tine I've done squats, if I've done them right, no way I have steam left to deadlift in a non-half-assed way. EDIT: the pro-mini bands are a good place to get started with bands plus they're great for prehab and general warm-ups. Doing that will pretty much destroy your legs if you do both, so they only have you doing 1 set. Hammies, glutes, spinal erectors, back as a whole. On Squat day, maybe 3-4 days later, you PR on squat. Calves aren't hit hard by those, if you care about those. Its a full body movement, requring your entire posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, back, traps and forearms). 682. • 12 yr. For context I’m 43, weigh 215 and still max bench 305-315 and most people seem to be able to deadlift much more than bench. Squat 120kg Deadlift 155kg Military 62. Heavy deadlifts are one of the best if not the best grip exercise. You could swap out deadlifts for some type of extension exercise to hit your erectors, but you can still get a big back without deadlifts. I typically have a sore lower back from DL, but the back-off sets put my lower back in excruciating pain. Sort by: The_Fatalist. I typically do deadlifts, rows, weighted chins, shrugs and face pulls on my back day. By doing this exercise you are working your core, lower back, and legs, all at once and it will help avoid back problems in the future if you do this correctly. The deadlift is a back exercise the same way a squat is a leg exercise; it works other things, but that's the prime its likely still a form or flexibility issue. starting at a like 60% of max and doing a frequency programming ala Power to the People. Only exception I can think of is 5/3/1 BBB, but everyone seems to switch it anyways. If you want to gain strength and mass doing deadlifts with only access to dumbells, I would suggest trying unilateral variants. addcv. The more reps you do, the more your form starts to slip in the set. For instance, the OP might increase his 1rm from 330 to 380 within 3 months using cluster sets. I always thought lower back was doing the most. 4K. You will feel deadlifts where you are weakest mostly. 2 times a week, one time conventional (heavy) One time RDL's for higher reps. Deadlifts create more stress on the nervous system than squats, which makes deadlifts harder to recover from than squats and other exercise. The point of diminishing returns seems to be over 1. It depends. I've competed in two RPS meets. The proper deadlift form is the one that let's you as an individual lift with most mechanical efficiency. If your RDLs hit your hams harder and feel more comfortable than a competition pull, you're deadlifting wrong. I’ve totaled 1690 at 220 and there was zero carryover after these standards above. I don't train grip separately, but use this an an opportunity, alongside EZ bar curls (the muscles closer to my thumbs reach fatigue much faster in curls) My current 1 RMs are: Squat: 500lbs, Bench: 300lbs, Deadlift: 535lbs. If you want to bias your hamstrings more do stiff legged deadlifts. For example, SLDLs or RDLs will hit the hamstrings very hard, as will deficit deadlifts. Just look at the entry form to see if their is a deadlift only division at that particular meet. For some reason I feel it way more in my quads than my glutes or hamstrings. This doesn't sound that out of whack to me, there's a 150 pound difference between my deadlift and my squat and my bench is 50 pounds more than my squat. Good luck bro! Feel it in my quads? Here's a video of my 425x1 deadlift. The lower back muscles (erector spinae) are the primary movers of the lift. Most gyms I've used only have dumbbells up to 50kg. You're doing more than triple the recommended amount of reps for people who haven't completely burned through their linear progression. Programs with a high rep hip hinge usually recommend doing a different variation like RDLs, sumo, trap bar, or a strongman lift like axle or car. Dan John actually has a pretty good listing of essential movements. •. . The max I've tested was 245x5, which works out to just over 300 1RM. It won't hinder your gains at all! Actually, it would help you gain more if you increase hip mobility and hamstring/glute strength through the RDL than if you were to continue doing deadlifts with However, he trapbar dead is great as a main back movement. My friend gave me a program recently that calls for a 3x a week deadlift but I chickened out this week and only have done it twice. Push the floor away with your quads only and keep your hips low at the same time. Deadlift to train deadlift, not grip. Or specifically isolate each muscle. you can of course lift without these lifts, but they are the biggest two lifts so I'd reevaluate exactly why you are being injured with so little weight. The deadlift proper isn't essential at all, but it's usually a good idea to train the hip hinge in some fashion. Banded deadlifts are going to make it harder at the top, not the bottom. Try chalk first. Deadlifts need to have more hip bend and less knee bend. Deadlifts are the best opportunity to develop a strong grip, you are only hampering yourself when you use straps for a deadlift. the other 3 weeks of the month are 2x squat and 1x good-morning, in their program. I swear I only ever feel deadlifts in my lower back and I'm in pain for several days afterwards, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I do not consider the deadlift to be primarily a leg or back exercise, no. Most programs only recommend deadlifting once per cycle (week) once you are few months in. Its a good lift, but at the end of the day, just a lift. The deadlift is a great compound exercise and works a whole bunch of your muscles. back day, leg day, pull day whatever day you do them on, do deadlifts. Also your probably better trying it with a bit of weight on the bar. Also remember to alternate your grip for barbell rows each set! (palms up/down) Pullups/Chins and barbell rows together take care of upper body pulling. Therefore it will target your hip extensors (glutes, hamstrings) (less hip flexion My current 1 RMs are: Squat: 500lbs, Bench: 300lbs, Deadlift: 535lbs. Pretty much none of your upper body pushing muscles are getting recruited, very little of arms are involved, not much of quads, etc. Far more posterior chain dominant. That's 24 working sets per week for squat + deadlift, in addition to up to 300 total reps of single-leg assistance work. Critique my form please? A well balanced routine without deadlift will increase your deadlift. So this has been happening the past 3 weeks since I have really started focusing on my form during deadlifts (I'm newish to lifting). More importantly, it works a movement pattern called the hip hinge. Make sure you have a hip hinge of some kind to replace deadlifts. They do massive work on your glutes and hamstrings and will make your entire body change. I only deadlifted once every 2 months and managed to build up to a 650lb deadlift at 200lbs that way. I’d argue that learning to properly deadlift prevents way more injuries lifting boxes/kids/ random shit that tweaks people’s backs every year than it causes both by teaching proper lifting form and strengthening you body for when you form isn’t optimal doing it. Yes. if there's a free barbell elsewhere, you don't need special equipment to deadlift. Jul 1, 2021 · DEADLIFT ONLY RESULTS. Award. You may find after doing these for a few months and swap back to regular deadlifts that you feel the hamstrings more. deadlifts (beginner) Lots of the beginner 5x5 programs focus on squatting 5x5 every workout, and only deadlift 1x5 every alternating workout. With another 3 months, he might have stalled on both and end up at 430. Heavy lower rep deadlifts follwed by lighter higher rep squats at the beginning of the week and heavy squats followed by light deadlifts at the end of the week. Feeling it is normal. pulling moderately heavy every 4-5 days (three times in two weeks), and gradually increasing the weight or 2. For overall leg development, squats and deadlifts are two great exercises. My PF back day was as follows: Smith Machine deadlift, dumbbell deadlifts, dumbbell rows, lat pull downs You need to shove your butt back. This isn’t true. Honestly it's too nuanced to be able to give a good answer here. But as the weight got heavier, these extra sets turned into warm up sets. Even lower back. • 14 yr. More squats vs. I am obviously a bit of an extreme, but if your lifting raw your deadlift is probably going to be higher than your squat. BellyofaWhale. Jan 11, 2022 · What if you only trained the squat, bench press, and the deadlift? What kind of results would you get? What would your body look like? 5/3/1 for Beginners has 2 squat sessions per week, plus 1 deadlift session, plus unilateral leg work is recommended in pretty much every workout (assuming you don't choose "core" every time from the "single leg/core" category). Workout 1 Squat Bench Shoulder press. Squats are called the king of exercises for a reason. You could easily do dl variations like rack pulls, rdls, etc. There's not point to deadlifting in a rack other than taking up the rack. Cable rows 1-2 x 10-20. I don't feel it in my VMOs. Its a good movement pattern but you don't need to deadlift to replicate it. Maybe do some light good mornings as a warm-up to help ingrain the pattern, or even do a cycle of RDLs. Just make sure you're keeping good form; if your form starts to slip you can always just drop the bar. He's a snapshot of the exact moment the plates come off the ground. Basically you work out Monday wed Friday alternating between 2 sets of work out. This is a sub for the sport of powerlifting. Always felt the only thing deadlifts helped was improving deadlifts. Can confirm, lower back got a good stretch today. Using the consecutive method, he might go from 330 to 360. Specifically, I feel it right in the middle between my knees and hip flexors. In the beginning couple months, I did more than just one set. Loaded carries. To feel it more in your legs let the barbell rest on the ground for a second instead of the tap and lift, but I wouldn't worry about it. You can certainly use deadlifts for leg development, especially by using variants. I would use the straps on the top end + sets only (or maybe the second set and the last on a 1+ week). Yes, it would be less effective for strengthening the back. Deadlift 315x5, Bench 215x5, but only Squat 215x5. milla_highlife. Starting Strength only programs deadlifts in once a week, and only five working sets on that day. What's likely my weak point in squats? What assistance work can I do? Often people report losing focus and tightness during high rep conventional deadlifts. 5x BWT bench and 2x BWTdeadlift. . [deleted] RDL is a really good alternative for the deadlift because it emphasizes an important movement mechanism that pertains to the deadlift: the hip hinge. You should be feeling it in your lower back, quads and hamstrings. If you want to do something really retarded, do 100 deadlifts for time. The deadlift is a hip hinge movement, which is a different motor pattern than the squat. Lancerville. If you're in your first few weeks, nothing should feel particularly hard. 365 was my max, but recently snuck that second rep in there. Can someone please explain how deadlifts do back and traps? Usually, to work a muscle, you would have to do a movement that flexes it, like rows for back, or shrugs for traps. Deadlift stance box squats Same as deadlifts. Deadlifts are probably the only exercise of the big 3 that you regularly use outside of the gym. Yes it is possible, there are thousands of compound movements that work your core legs back and more. I train 4 days a week. I might be wrong though but that was what I thought It's most likely just a muscle balance issue. If you think you are going to fail a set because of your grip you should absolutely use straps for that set. Reply reply. [deleted] • 3 yr. I still do my deadlifts on legs day. I squat 3x/week, DL 2x/week and still fit in some acessory work such as RDL, leg press, leg extensions and whatnot. Many people cannot deadlift and are still fit. Most people do deadlifts first because it hits a lot of muscles, so they want to be fresh during it. Deadlift allows you to lift heavier weights than other exercises. How do I improve my deadlift? what am I doing wrong? This is 315. They work a lot of muscles, but not every muscle. Nonetheless, when reading articles about both, the deadlift is often mentioned as a necessary and efficient compound excercise for your legs as well. They’re both good but have to be analyzed differently. With another 3 months, the cluster set 1rm might be 420 with the consecutive method being 400. I plan on deadlifting regularly (once per week), but following something like SS might be silly here. Deadlift is only one set of five reps instead of five sets of five like the other StrongLifts 5×5 exercises. Having a sore ass is an odd feeling after a workout, I personally get it more from deadlifts. Deadlift is the King of all exercises, and you're approaching it like a peasant. • 5 yr. Squat each workout alternating between heavy, light heavy. You can also use them for glute development, or for trap and erector For instance, the OP might increase his 1rm from 330 to 380 within 3 months using cluster sets. How do deadlifts work those muscles when they're pretty much stationary the whole time. Opposite for a BJJ athlete. (1) Clean pulls. Deadlifts should be your beginning workout and main focus on all back days. They are the most important exercise, and best exercise, for posterior chain development and strength. You'll see gains and won't run the risk of fatigue. OP could structure his/her workouts around the main lifts (bench, OHP, deadlift and squats) then working in accessories afterwards. • 7 yr. Advice and critique please. Depending on your deadlift variation, you can also work on your quads using the sumo or trap bar deadlift. But i'd like to know if there's anything important i'm missing out on, or exercises I could be doing to create a more balanced physique. Here’s why: Deadlifts has each rep starting from a dead stop Deadlift uses more muscles than any other exercise. And or. 11. Whichever one you want to push harder on and have more energy for, do first. Also, I'm always seeing people posting their PR's on DL with numbers around 300-500. Spent the last six months doing this and now am getting back under the bar without bad many imbalances. If you're training properly, most people should be able to reach a 100kg deadlift very quickly, possibly even weeks rather than months. Deadlifts are a full body exercise. Tried 345 a few minutes later and could only get it a few inches off the ground. People who say you HAVE to deadlift tend to be pretty silly. Then you do 3x10 deads and power cleans for assistance. No. sy xg kg eb yx jo em un ne zo