Nasa compressor

Nasa compressor. gov Ezra O. 05 at an airflow of 20. Results are published in both non-NASA channels and by NASA in the NASA STI Report Series, High-pressure gaseous helium (GHe) plays a critical role in spacecraft propulsion due to its near exclusive use for pressurization of propellant tanks. • march 1972 The overall and blade-element performances of a low-aspect-ratio transonic compressor stage are presented over the stable operating flow range for speeds from 50 to 100 percent of design. 655 lbm/s) Allison Engine design. A typical compressor map (ref. Mar 6, 2020 · The good news for NASA is that this type of compressor won’t need a lot of space or an oil-based lubrication system. Some of the rows, called rotors, are connected to the central shaft and rotate at high speed. The newest book in the NASA History Series takes an in-depth look at the management techniques used to design creative and cost-effective spacecraft that continue to yield ground-breaking scientific data, drive new technology innovations, and achieve what has never been done Available Downloads. A speedline at 100% speed was generated and Sep 1, 1993 · An experimental and computational investigation of the NASA Lewis Research Center's low-speed centrifugal compressor (LSCC) flow field was conducted using laser anemometry and Dawes' three-dimensional viscous code. We have to supply energy to turn the compressor. 46 kilograms per second and a tip speed of 243. Nov 15, 2023 · Quick Facts. compressor, which is focused on investigating the flow physics of the rotor tip clearance flow field, was for it to be an aerodynamically scaled derivative of the first one and a half stages (i. As ice crystals are ingested into the fan and low pressure compression system, where the air static temperature typically increases, a portion of the ice crystals melt due to the warmer air. In the multistage compressor, the pressure is multiplied from row to row (8 stages at 1. Rotational speed ranges from 150-650 RPM (rotor tip speed 190-815 ft/s). To input this map into NNEP, the map is broken into three separate maps by the use of arbitrary R lines. For the first three stages of this five-stage core compressor, an additional aeromechanical design was completed. 25-inch) sweptback bladed centrifugal compressor The performance data were taken at 50,000 rpm, using argon gas. The mechanical deterioration of the JT9D high-pressure compressor gaspath parts versus increasing service usage, documented from inspection of service parts, is presented and discussed including changes in airfoil roughness, blade length, airfoil contour and outer air seal May 13, 2021 · cp - cv = R. Users can obtain rapid and consistent off-design performance characteristics from simple design point inputs. The R lines are drawn on the compressor map by the user in an arbitrary manner following the general shape of the surge line. The code has been used to generate the performance map for the NASA 76-B three-stage axial compressor featuring variable geometry. With such a large customer base and NASA Glenn Research Center being the lead center for turbomachines, it is important that adequate emphasis be placed on this area as well. , rotor and stator blade rows) plus an inlet guide vane (lGV) row, as shown in figure 3. NASA SMALL ENGINE COMPONENTS COMPRESSOR TEST FACILITY: HIGH EFFICIENCY CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR VANELESS DIFFUSER AND TRANSITION DUCT CONFIGURATIONS. In addition, commensurate with the NASA LSAC compressor, the JHU compressor has a long entrance length to develop thick end wall boundary layers typical of an embedded stage. m with varying air flow at each speed. 710 kg/sec flow rate. R lines must not cross or intersect other R lines. Harrison NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH herbert. Several different designs for helium compressor technologies have been developed for use on Earth; however, significant design changes are required to meet the power, thermal/heat dissipation, vacuum, vibration/shock, size, mass, and efficiency cal designs for an eight-stage core compressor having a pressure ratio of 20:1 (ref. With 152,235 square feet of floor space and housing more than 60 test rigs, the massive Engine Research Building (ERB) is the largest and most adaptable test facility complex at NASA’s Glenn Research Center. The design of a centrifugal impeller with blades that are aerodynamically efficient, easy to manufacture, and mechanically sound is discussed. The experimental configuration consisted of a backswept impeller followed by a vaneless diffuser. Search. 6%; the corrected airflow is 53. The inlet tip speed for the first stage rotor is 430. Nov 1, 2009 · Rotor loading levels and relative velocity ratio are correlated to the onset of compressor surge. The rotor was retested in a single-stage compressor facility at NASA Glenn by Suder, et al. Currently, this activity is not supported under any project at NASA Glenn. The compressed air is fed into the combustor, also known as the combustion chamber. 8-centimeter (4. Feb 3, 2021 · The F414-GE-100 engine, which will power NASA’s X-59 Quiet Supersonic Technology X-plane (QueSST), arrives at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center. compressor surge. In either Engine design. The compressor stages were tested at NASA Lewis Research Center (now Glenn) in the late 1970s by Reid and Moore (Refs. The NASA STI Program provides access to the NASA Aeronautics and Space Database and its public interface, the NASA Technical Report Server, thus providing one of the largest collection of aeronautical and space science STI in the world. Blaha HX5 Sierra Cleveland Jun 5, 1995 · Flow field calculations of the NASA transonic axial compressor Rotor 37 are presented. There is an immediate need, however, to specify a prediction method which can be used until comprehensive prediction methods can be fully explored, de- compressor-inlet stage are presented herein. The blade design method described here satisfies the first two criteria and with a judicious choice of certain variables will also satisfy stress considerations. There is an inlet guide vane row in front of the first rotor. 44 May 31, 2024 · When it started in the early 1990s, NASA’s Discovery Program represented a breakthrough in how NASA explored space. 658 kg/s (3. F. A single stage, low aspect ratio, compressor with a 442. The compressor squeezes the air that enters it into progressively smaller areas, resulting in an increase in the air pressure. The result is a compact, lightweight, efficient compressor specifically designed for on-orbit use and optimized for Xenon compression from 300 to over 3,000 psia at flow rates optimized for the future Gateway station and existing geosynchronous spacecraft. -Low-speed axial compressor aerodynamic survey locations. Atmospheric air enters the fa- cility at an inlet located on the roof of the building and flows through the flow measuring orifice and into the plenum upstream of the test stage In another code for compressor mean-line calculations, also developed at NASA [11], the working mass flow range is determined iteratively by varying the incidence angle of the first rotor row and Reynolds number effect on overall performance of a 10. The compressor acts like many rows of airfoils, with each row producing a small jump in pressure. There are currently two principal compressor designs found on jet engines: the axial compressor, in which the air flows parallel to the axis of rotation, and the centrifugal compressor, in which the air is turned perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Test section Mach number and Reynolds number are set by varying compressor speed, IGV camber, and compressor inlet pressure. Many single-stage and multistage compressor tests were conducted at the NASA GRC Engine Research Building (ERB), where various design parameters such as blade pressure ratio, compressor. 4 and 5). during the 1950's. A compressor optimization study defined a 10-stage configuration with a 22. It squeezes the air – similar to how you can squeeze the air inside an empty water bottle. STGSTK predicts multistage axial-flow compressor off-design performance using mean-line stage stacking, and CMPGEN estimates design-speed flow range and efficiency ratios. A single stage device will be constructed in order to test new compressor materials as well as develop a fabrication and assembly approach for a Knudsen Compressor cascade. NASA has funded Skyre to develop a Solid-State Oxygen Concentrator and Compressor (SSOCC) to meet future mission requirements. Most recently, an experiment was conducted at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base Research Laboratory on a two-stage fan with inlet guide vanes and inlet distortion. 5 years. The purpose of this effort was to identify key May 13, 2021 · At the rear of the inlet, the air enters the compressor. May 13, 2021 · Using the choice button labeled Input Variable, select "Flow per Area Wcor/A". Next to the selection, you then type in a value for Wcor/A. H. A compressor is like an electric fan. The NASA compressor incorporates Sep 8, 2023 · Testing of rear stages of a compressor representing features of reduced core size in low speed rig at NASA Glenn Research Center. The test compressor was used in aerodynamics studies at NASA Glenn Research Center (Refs. 5 percentage points. 54 kg/s (10 lbm/s) machine which was scaled up from a 1. speed multi-stage core compressor (Wasserbauer, 1995). 3) is shown in figure I. 1. 7 and an inlet rotor-tip speed of 455 meters per second. The purpose of this compressor is to increase the understanding of the complex flow phenomena within multistage axial compressors and to obtain detailed data from a multistage compressor environment for use in developing and verifying models for computational fluid dynamic code assessment. Where cp is the specific heat coefficient at constant pressure, gam is the ratio of specific heats, and nc is the compressor efficiency. 3 Evaluation of bleed insert configuration of single stage axial flow compressor Document ID 19690011026 source noise of any fan or compressor to a quantitative precision which reflects the state-of-the-art. The stage is one of a series of single stages that were designed and tested to investigate the performance characteristics of low-aspect-ratio blading for the inlet stages of an advanced-core compressor. The dual benefit is that NASA doesn’t have to plan for oil operating in an environment where it could be super-cooled or heated, plus there is a guarantee of 100% oil-free air. In this talk, we will present the latest CFturbo approach to designing Turbomachinery components in two different ways. The compressor is instrumented with multiple NASA Contractor Report 185118 The Measurement of Boundary Layers on a Compressor Blade in Cascade Volume I--Experimental Technique, Analysis, and Results (NA_A-CR-185118-¥oI-1) THE HEASUREMENT OF i_OUNDAR¥ LAYERS ON A CONPRESSOR BLADE IN CASCADE,,. - EXe_:R. Phase I is the jumping off point for most small businesses and research institutions working with the program. Oct 31, 2007 · The objectives of this test are to assess the aerodynamic and aero mechanic performance and operability characteristics of the fan stage over the entire range of engine operation including: 1) sea level static take-off, 2) transition over large swings in fan bypass ratio, 3) transition from turbofan to ramjet, and 4) fan windmilling operation NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Feb 26, 2018 · High Efficiency Centrifugal Compressor for Rotorcraft Applications The report "High Efficiency Centrifugal Compressor for Rotorcraft Applications" documents the work conducted at UTRC under the NRA Contract NNC08CB03C, with cost share 2/3 NASA, and 1/3 UTRC, that has been extended to 4. 2. Carmody Prepared for NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Contract NAS3-7277 Technical Management NASA-Lewis In the axial compressor, the air flows parallel to the axis of rotation. The performance of the compressor was determined for speeds from 5000 to 14,000 r. c. The job of the stators is to increase pressure and keep NASA GRC took a leading role in component development in its Compressor and Turbine Division during the 1940s and 1950s. 000, respectively. Jun 29, 2021 · The NASA Rotor 37 is an isolated transonic axial compressor rotor. Correlations account for the following types of loss: inlet guide vane, impeller incidence, shock, skin friction, blade loading, trailing edge, clearance, vaneless and vaned diffuser friction, recirculation, and disk friction. NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) speed centrifugal compressor at the NASA Glenn Research Center. 7 to 9). Almost half of the rigs support aeronautics programs in four general areas of research — turbomachinery, combustion and Stage 35 Transonic Axial Compressor Stage The NASA single-stage research compressor Stage 35, which is representative of an advanced transonic compressor core, is studied in this research. 0 lbm/s). Stage-35 compressor is composed of 46 stator blades and 36 rotor blades with a tip clearance of 0. The research compressor consists of four identical axial stages. Creveling, R. A FORTRAN program has been developed at NASA Lewis Research Center which predicts centrifugal compressor performance through utilization of empirical correla-tions which are related to the compressor geometry and velocity diagram characteris-tics. If we divide the first equation by cp, and use the definition of "gamma" we obtain: R / cp = 1 - (1 / gamma) = (gamma - 1) / gamma. The design exit corrected flow rate of the test compressor is 1. This builds up air pressure in the engine’s core. The paper describes the objectives, test environment. It is known as the “idea generation” phase, during which small businesses (and their research institution partners in STTR) establish the scientific, technical, commercial merit and feasibility of the proposed A similar single-stage axial compressor increases the pressure by only a factor of 1. --z nasa tn d-6729 gase fi le analytical correlation of centrifugal compressor design geometry for maximum efficiency with specific speed by michael r. 291 m/sec, and the inlet specific flow is 193. The All jet engines have a compressor to increase the pressure of the incoming air. A centrifugal compressor facility being built by the NASA Lewis Research Center is described; its purpose is to obtain benchmark experimental data for internal flow code verification and modeling. Dec 1, 2005 · Available Downloads. A schematic of the Stage 35 test rig is pictured in Figure 1 and the compressor geometry is depicted in Figure 2. 2. Even with this high tip speed, the loading per stage is considerably higher than that in current state-of Figure 3. 876 and 0. The compressor is made up of fans with many blades and attached to a shaft. NASA Transonic Compressor Stage NASA/TM—2003-212180 March 2003 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Glenn Research Center Prepared for the Turbo Expo 2002 cosponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the International Gas Turbine Institute Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3–6, 2002 GT–2002–30575 Feb 21, 2023 · It became possible by combining high-fidelity CFD solvers with optimization codes and parametric, knowledge-based conceptual design software. VOLUME 1. 6). Now we use the equation we have derived for the entropy of a gas : A centrifugal compressor research effort conducted by United Technologies Research Center under NASA Research Announcement NNC08CB03C is documented. 0x105 based on the tip speed and the rotor chord length at the tip. This results in an increase in the energy potential of the air. A complete knowledge of the compressor overall geometry and working fluid inlet There are no records associated with this record. The possible gains in useful operating range obtainable by the use of adjustable stator blades are discussed and a rapid approximate method of calculating blade-angle resettings is shown by an example. Building 582 continued to be used as office space through the 1990s and was Test Compressor The low-speed axial compressor consists of four repeating stages (i. 840 at pressure ratios of 2. Compressor Test Facility The compressor stage was tested in the Lewis single-stage compressor test facil- ity (fig. harrison@nasa. Request Software. NASA Stage 37 and the three-stage NASA 74-A axial compressors were analyzed and the results compared to test data. McNichols NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH Matthew R. The single stage MEMS Knud-sen Compressor design is shown in Fig. The objectives were to identify key technical barriers to advancing the aerodynamic performance of high-efficiency, high work factor, compact centrifugal compressor aft-stages for turboshaft engines; to acquire measurements needed to overcome the There is a technique in calculus to find the maximum (or minimum) value of a function by taking the derivative of the function and setting the resulting equation to zero. The complete design description and hot shape geometry of the test compressor are given by McKain and Holbrook (Ref. Other rows, called stators, are fixed and do not rotate. NASA's objective is to develop and continuously update such a pre-diction method. June 2016 View Project; Air Squared Awarded Contract to Develop Scroll Compressor in NASA MOXIE Demonstration Unit for Mars 2020 Mission CMPGEN is a modeling tool used to compute off-design performance of axial fans, boosters, and compressors. The overall design requirements for the axial compressor are given in table I. Baldwin-Lomax and k-e. 8 meters per second. 597 hub/tip ratio typical of an advanced core compressor front stage was tested. galvas lewis research center cleveland, ohio 44135 national aeronautics and space administration • washington, d. The final design is a 75,000-RPM, 19-blade impeller with an axial inducer and 30 degrees of backward leaning at the impeller tip. This case was initially included in a wider research program to cover a range of design parameters typical of high pressure compressor inlet stage of aircraft engines. The six designs were selected to provide data on how aspect ratio and dif€usion factor affect the performance of compressor middle stages. This is due to the relative amount of available cooling surface area, which has an advantage over radial designs given the total system volumetric aspect ratio of the generator/compressor section. A system block diagram is shown in Figure 1. 1%, and a polytropic efficiency of 90. The compressor is composed of several rows of airfoil cascades. A compressor cross-section and the blade layout are shown in Fig. compressor with a 9. Download files here : h Engine design. Mainstream Engineering Corporation is developing a gravity-insensitive system that will allow a vapor- compression-cycle heat pump to be used in both microgravity (10-6g) and lunar (1/6g) environments. 1) resulted in a compressor design of constant meanline diameter, with an inlet hub-tip ratio of 0. 1 and 3). NASA JUNE Allison CR-54532 1968 EDR 5845 Axial Flow Compressor Design Computer Programs Incorporating Full Radial Equilibrium Part I--Flow Path and Radial Distribution of Energy Specified (Program II) by H. The corrected airflow is double valued; for the same airflow ratio, there is a subsonic and a supersonic solution. This in- Feb 1, 1995 · A low-speed multistage axial compressor built by the NASA Lewis Research Center is described. The compressor relies on positive displacement and is driven by a brushless electric motor. The overall scope includes demolition work as well as procuring and installing a new 6,000-pound-per-square-inch, high-pressure-air, negative-80-degree-Fahrenheit-dewpoint compressor system. assemble a prototype Knudsen Compressor suitable for use in known MEMS in-situ instruments at MDL. Apr 27, 2022 · In 1989, the VDT pressure vessel was removed from Building 582, relocated to the West Area of NASA Langley, and placed on display adjacent to the Reid Conference Center (Building 1222). 173 kg/m2 sec. This allows the ice-water mixture to stick (accrete) when they impact the metal surfaces of the compressor components. This test compressor is a 4. and we define the ratio of specific heats to be a number which we will call "gamma". A dedication ceremony was held in 1991 by NASA and the National Park Service. May 11, 2010 · The compressor notional design requirements of pressure ratio and low-pressure compressor (LPC) and high pressure ratio compressor (HPC) work split were based on a previous engine system study to meet the mission requirements of the NASA Subsonic Rotary Wing Projects Large Civil Tilt Rotor vehicle concept. The paper presents the results of JT9D high pressure compressor studies. 3). At the exit of the compressor, the air is at a much higher pressure than free stream. . The geometry selected for this study was Stage 35 which is a single stage transonic compressor. The simplified geometric model and its mesh are shown in Figure 2. Radial distributions of static and total pressure, total temperature, and flow angle were measured at CC3 compressor [23] McKain and Holbrook [24] provides complete information about the NASA CC3 compressor including the geometry and design parameters. Part 4 - Performance of bleed insert configuration no. These were obtained by the two commercially available 3D Navier Stokes-codes BTOB3D and TASCflow using different turbulence models, i. A vacuum compressor has been designed to compress CO2 from approximately equal to 1 psia (approximately equal to 6. 0 m/sec (1450 ft/sec) tip speed and a 0. centrifugal compressor aft stages that achieve efficient pressure rise at low corrected flows and compact size. 3), which is described in detail in reference 3. At first, from the ground up, and the second based on a unique reverse engineering GT2023-103128. Sep 6, 2013 · A theory was developed; an eight-stage axial-flow compressor was designed, constructed, and tested. 9 kPa absolute pressure) to approximately equal to 75 psia (approximately equal to 0. This work is under the scope of the “Compact Gas Turbine (CGT)” subproject of the Advanced Air Transport Technology (AATT) Project and is a collaboration with Pratt & Whitney. e. p. The blading, however, was designed after the model used in support of a program to develop energy efficient en­ gines in the early 1980's. The job of the stators is to increase pressure and keep May 13, 2021 · Compressor - The compressor is the first component in the engine core. The turbine work TW equation is given by: TW = nt * cp * Tt4 * (1 - TPR ^ ( (gam -1) / gam)) Semi-Hermetic Scroll Compressor for Mars 2020 Mission The semi-hermetic P11H024A-BLDC-SH compressor combines high-performance, efficiency, and reliability, in a compact and lightweight design. Filtered air from the cabin or habitat is fed to the oxygen concentrator and compressor electrochemical cell stack by means of a blower. The NASA compressor was modeled after a low-speed research. 10. IMENTAL TE:CHNI_UE e ANALYSIS AN r) RESULTS Final Report Jun 1, 1991 · A low speed centrifugal compressor facility recently built by the NASA Lewis Research Center is described. Critical speed analyses were performed for the high speed rotating impeller assembly. When you hit the red COMPUTE button, the output values change. System capacity is 5 kW to 15 kW at design refrigerant operating conditions of 4. nasa technical note p_ i x k. The compressor is made up of many small spinning blades. , inlet guide vane, rotor, and stator) of the NASA Glenn Research Center's Low-Speed Axial Compressor (LSAC), This axial electromagnetic flux design is more efficient for the combined function of aero-thermal heat transfer and generation of electricity. Table 1 summarizes the main geometry Significant research has been conducted by the NASA Glenn Research Center in the area of compressor stability enhancement through active and passive control methods. Most of the tests were made with air at room temperature. At design speed the rotor and stage achieved peak efficiencies of 0. 2 per stage gives a factor of 4. Herbert M. 271 pressure ratio and 29. 45 (empty test section), compressor inlet corrected flow rate is ~7000 lb/s and compressor overall pressure In-flight purity verification will likely be required; contamination risk is credible (compressor) Adding energy to O 2 during mission –compressors that keep O 2 cool can be large May trade well for exploration missions, especially if reliable purity verification is developed Low Pressure Water Electrolysis + PSA O 2 Concentrator + Mechanical Developed for studying variable geometry effects at the conceptual design level, CMPSTK is a combination of the STGSTK and CMPGEN computer codes. May 13, 2021 · In the axial compressor, the air flows parallel to the axis of rotation. Oxygen In this tutorial video, CFD analysis of NASA Low speed centrifugal compressor with vaneless diffuser using Ansys-CFX is demonstrated. 2NASA JSC, 2101 NASA Road One, Houston, TX 77058. Let's apply this technique to the mass flow rate equation: This result indicates that the maximum mass flow rate occurs when the Mach number is equal to one. 52 MPa), to be insensitive to moisture, to have a long operational life, and to be lightweight, compact, and efficient. 5 kg/s. gamma = cp / cv. As the Reynolds number was reduced from near design value to 30 percent of design, the maximum efficiency decreased about 1. The design parameters for Stage 35 are Jan 9, 2024 · SBIR/STTR Phase I. 408 mm. The final three steps – compress, combust and exhaust – make up what’s called NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server. Oct 26, 2018 · The compressor station at Langley supports aerodynamic research in 22 wind tunnels on the 764-acre NASA center. These programs were used to design six of the 14 compressor middle stages with a mass flow of 9. Some of the results were submitted to the CFD code assessment exercise organized in 1994 by the Turbomachinery Committee of the ASME, where a number Figure 1 shows the impeller studied in this investigation, a centrifugal compressor known as CC3. NASA LOW SPEED AXIAL COMPRESSOR The NASA Low Speed Axial Compressor (LSAC) is described in detail in Ref. The target Reynolds number is 4. Compressible flow, which is assumed to be steady and axisymmetric, is the basis for a two-dimensional solution in the meridional plane with viscous effects CCODP is a one-dimensional off-design performance prediction code used for centrifugal compressors. This stage was designed for a pressure ratio of 2. At peak test section Mach number of ~1. 0 lb m/s). The purpose of this facility is to obtain detailed flow field measurements for computational fluid dynamic code assessment and flow physics modeling in support of Army and NASA efforts to advance small gas turbine engine technology. Moreover, mesh refined University of Toledo, Cleveland, Ohio, 44135. 2 kg/sec and a rotor May 19, 2022 · The first stop in the core is a component called the compressor. Jet engines have remained relatively the same for 60 years: pull air in, squeeze it, heat it, exhaust it. The compressor design was tested for two- and/or quasi-three-dimensional aerodynamic and stress characteristics. The facility will be heavily instrumented with standard pressure and temperature probes and have provisions for flow visualization and laser Doppler May 13, 2021 · The compressor work CW equation is given as: CW = cp * Tt2 * (CPR ^ ( (gam - 1) / gam) - 1) / nc. The stabilizing effect of steadily flowing air-streams injected into the vaneless region of a vane-island diffuser through the shroud surface is described. But it is relatively easy to link together several stages and produce a multistage axial compressor. (Refs. Sep 6, 2013 · The relations among several efficiencies useful in compressor design are derived and discussed. The test stage incorporated an inlet duct which was representative of an engine transition duct between fan and high A code for computing the aerodynamic design of a multistage axial-flow compressor and, if desired, the associated blading geometry input for internal flow analysis codes is presented. 6:1 pressure ratio, an adiabatic efficiency goal of 86. A recent collaborative effort between NASA and the United Technology Research Center (UTRC) related to a new centrifugal compressor—the “High Efficiency Centrifugal Compressor (HECC)”—is reported on herein. 056 and 2. Abstract. compressor developed by the General Electric Co. An assessment of APNASA was conducted at NASA Glenn Research Center under the Fundamental Aeronautics Program to determine their predictive capabilities. Parametric variations of injection angle, injection flow rate, number of injectors, The flow characteristics of a low speed centrifugal compressor were examined at NASA Lewis Research Center to improve understanding of the flow in centrifugal compressors, to provide models of various flow phenomena, and to acquire benchmark data for three dimensional viscous flow code validation. 36 kg/s (3. Compressor Stall and Blade Vibration Multistage axial flow compressor stalling characteristics and blade vibration. yk mz zq tr cb yf nd tw er rl